Matches with Loserboy

Matches with NickZ

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Loserboy vs NickZ
September 2009
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The scissors didn't cut it, NickZ has techniques to get out of scissors by leaning forward to make the scissors go downwards his body, making it less effective and less painful.

Once my scissors is down enough, he manages to lift his body up to break the hold and follow it up with whatever pleases him.

All I can do with my scissors broken is to cling out to my worthless headlock. Worthless because I still have no idea how to apply to make it as painful as how NickZ does it.

NickZ simply drags me down on the mats and starts being playful. If I did a mistake here is exhausting my reserves on energy in trying to get a body scissors submission earlier. I barely had anything left in me.

NickZ plays a little bit more and follows up with a move that I hate so much... some sort of rollover pin and I recall hearing little cracks on my neck and shoulders on one instance.

I remember he did apply to me a couple of those and I tend to give up very easily to them, just as I gave up right there, right now. :')

NickZ is a very nice and talented guy/wrestler. When I was at the Okie Rumble, we had a match every day :)

If there's one thing I learned in my matches with him is to never judge an opponent by his size (or weight). Nick may be small, but his wrestling skills makes him a fierce and tough opponent.

NickZ kicked my ass badly! He certainly won this match. :)

Yes, I know the match was pretty short, but I was exhausted. The day this match was shot I had two matches prior to him, both competitive. I only get to wrestle competitively about once a month, maybe two if I'm lucky.

In the next set presented on the following page, NickZ and I wrestled semi-competitively and we purposely positioned ourselves into holds that we enjoyed. I guess it's a bit of promission here, because we applied the strength required to feel a satisfying threshold of tolerable pain.

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