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Monday October 17 2016 - BeastMtl and AnonymusRecent matches
Last week, I wrestled BeastMtl (id 10067)again after a four month pause. We've toned it down to a friendly semi-competitive or light submission match... with an occasional switch to pro. I lifted him in a rack, which made him a bit dizzy.

This time around, none of us got injured, so we threaded very carefully.

I still didn't get to take any pictures despite bringing my photography gear again... meh, we had lots of fun wrestling anyway.

After a 10-15 year+ break, I finally renewed contact with the first wrestler I had ever fought. I only know him by Anonymus (id 796). You can look back at my entry from August 2016 to know more about him. But in short, he's the one who gave me the name of Loserboy because I kept giving up and I couldn't beat him. He's the one that's 6'5", 260 lbs... Roughly 1'1" taller than me and 110 lbs heavier than me.

When I finally met him again, I asked him: why did he wait so long to fight me again?

He told me he let himself go and reached 320 lbs at one point... There were times where he had to stop twice before going from his room to the bathroom... just to catch his breath. Soon enough, he landed in the Emergency Room at the hospital. This is where he saw his life *flash* before his eyes. Realizing that he nearly dodged the bullet after a critical surgery/operation, he has decided to make drastic changes, to put himself back in shape, losing enough pounds to go back down to 270 and having enough energy now to wrestle me again.

I couldn't beat him back in 2000 and we met at least a dozen times. I was inexperienced and he was much stronger.... However, this time around, our battle was a little bit more even with me grinning a lot because I often had the upper hand. I could finally make him tap with my body scissors. That only infuriating him and you can see in his eyes that he is seeking to train hard to show me the real color of defeat.

We've decided we'll now meet each on a regular basis rather than waiting for another decade. It'll be good for his physical health and it will be good for my mental health.

Anonymus (id 796) goes by many different nicknames, I've seen luttemontreal, wrestleluttemontreal, wrestlelutteramontreal and a bunch of other ones. Given his profession, he often deletes his profile and re-creates it several months later with a new moniker.

Blog ID 91

Date created:2016-10-17
Date modified: 20:01:39.054749
Revision number:10