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Friday October 1 2021 - A fellow from VancouverVisitors in town
I met today a wrestler from Vancouver. I'm going to keep his profile name hidden because because judging from his profile, he wants to be as discreet and private as possible.

After reading his description, I understood that he wanted to receive head scissors, headlocks and sleepers. Lo and behold, when I arrived, it was clearly the opposite. It shows how you can take a step in the wrong direction to attempt to communicate something or in an attempt to read it. 😂 I did told him just add the word "giving" head scissors in his profile to clearly state that he is someone that's more willing to give than to receive the rear end of submission holds.

This wrestler applied on me also breath holds: cupping his hand on my mouth and nose, which hampers breathing. I have to admit that I did not enjoy that and I eventually told him that I would like that move removed from his arsenal. I don't mind pressure from headlocks, sleepers, head scissors, but hampering someone's breathing is a bit beyond my limit. I know.. there's an interest of every kind, and while I try to be as open as possible, there will still be some holds that are not my cup of tea. Luckily, he was kind enough to oblige, he removed the hand cupping holds and he continued to other holds on me, whereas my holds on him were limited because he would tap very preemptively.

We've realized other differences in our match: he is more into head scissors, I'm more into body scissors. Our session was average. You really can't expect compatibility in every match. Still, I think our exchange lasted around 45 minutes. Afterwards, we shook hands, I gave my traditional bearhug and we parted ways. Will I wrestle him again? Maybe. Only time will tell.

For head scissor lovers though, I think this guy will be their gold mine or their sweetest dreams come true.

Blog ID 317