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Thursday January 24 2019 - A Cubby bearhugVideo clips
It's time for another clip. This time with Cubby, because this cute cub is just too cute. You can view Cubby being squeezed in my Crushing Bearhug on Doom under [ Clip ID 361. ]

Mwahahaha! Even Super Cubby cannot withstand the power of Loserboy's devastating bearhug!

You will notice that one of his arm has a nice tattoo. I actually asked him about it and he told me that it represents his family's crest. I thought it was more of a Game of Thrones thing, but it's for him a way to express his connection to his ancestry.

Cubby actually gave me a bearhug back in return, but I'll put it later separately in a different clip. After all, I have to give you guys a valid reason to come back and visit me.

Blog ID 228