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Monday October 1 2018 - Full Nelson Body Scissors Time!Hold it!
It's time for some Full Nelson Body Scissors!
It's probably better to say that it's "Hammer Time!" ...because it's way shorter and it has a nicer overall sound or tune to it. *shrug*

I figured that after I posted my insignificant and useless signature hold on Transporteur (id 5373) in my previous post, I might as well post some now where this amazing hold actually did something!

I'll actually a very good trapping move and very effective if you push the nelson forward, but who wants that, right? Ironically, The real fun is when you loosen the nelson and squeeze the legs. That's a much better squeeze to bear. It's the difference between applying pressure on the neck or on the ribs. The sole purpose of the nelson is to make the sides a bit more tender to the hold, making it more vulnerable or sensitive. Most people can withstand body scissors anyway by hardening the body. The nelson prevents you from hardening the body... or actually, makes it slightly more difficult to do so. Why? Well, because the nelson stretches your body upwards, while you need to contract it to give yourself some resistance. Give it a try: if someone gives you a body scissors without it's underlying full nelson, you'll notice that you either use your arms to push the legs away or you'll clench your fists, putting your arms on the side as a defensive stance, making it easier for you to shield your body from the scissors.

Anyhow, let's start with Versus (id 5004). This guy is back in Switzerland. I wish I had spent more time wrestling this handsome stud. If I recall correctly, you can find him in BG under Leon Cyrus. It shows that this guy definitely has the body and the star power for the big leagues!

Next up, here's FuzzyYeti (id 6777) in trouble. Very nice guy and in my opinion, equally a handsome stud. I still wish we could wrestle again, but I think we've both accepted that we each go our different ways. I sometimes wonder if I did something to scare him away.

It's been ages since I wrestled the Wild Bear (id 4154). He spends half his time here in Montreal and the other half in the US. I always seem to catch him when he's down in the south though, but we've gotten in contact lately and we're now scrambling to try to meet up again.... hopefully soon. I invited him once to the ring, but he wasn't too enchanted with the idea. It's not everyone who likes wrestling rings. I suppose that a real bear wrestles in the comfort of his home.

Dr. Monarch (id 430) was very fond of mixing super hero adventures with wrestling. Not to mention that he insisted that I added extra flares and additional special effects into our pictures. These days, I believe he invests a lot of his time with music and he took a step back from wrestling. Don't ask me why I did not remove my socks in this picture. It was taken in 2011 and I was stupid enough back then for not noticing important details like this.

I'll finish with the signature on Be-Bear (id 2910). We still try to stay in touch... We send messages through Hangouts about once a month? (Yeah, I know. Most people use Facebook Messenger, What's App, Instagram, but both of us are stuck in the Google Hangouts generation, but you know what? It really doesn't matter). It's by looking at the dates of the match that I realize that this picture will soon be ten years old. Wow... Can time travel any faster?

A little extra note, if you check out the pictures by clicking on them, you'll also get the link back to the match if your heart has desires additional content.

October to December of this year are months where I've decided that I will get back on track: health-wise and consequently, wrestling-wise as well. Currently, I'm aiming to make a wrestling trip in November, but I don't have all the details just yet... and truth be told, nothing is set to stone.

Blog ID 205