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Friday November 17 2017 - Past match: TiguiPast matches
I was talking to Jobberboy today and he had an insatiable hunger for more pics, so I told him I'll post more tonight. Which Jobberboy is it? I'll let you figure that one out. It's quite a common wrestling handle.

These pictures come from the match I had in July last year (2016). Tigui (id 10729) asked me to heel him around, so I fulfilled his desire. Since I don't get to do it often, this should be fun. I guess I never posted these shots before because I felt the photos were a bit too blurry.

We'll start with a camel clutch:

I'm trying to show him some tough love with this nice little brohug.

This guy is so flexible that I do recall that the rack doesn't do a thing on him.

Powerless as he is, just like any good jobber, he obviously ends up losing under my knees.

All staged of course.

I think like me, Tigui prefers opponents that are bigger and can maintain a good control of the match by showing your inner heel. I unfortunately don't possess those qualities yet, but I would love a rematch anyway. After all, practices makes perfect.

Tigui reminds me of myself when I was younger: I would only want to be the jobber. I'm sure he'll grow to be a formidable wrestler who will outshine my own capabilities.

Blog ID 162