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Tuesday January 28 2020 - Roller-coasterBlog entry
Ooof... Quite a roller-coaster isn't it? First, I change my job after staying 9 years at the same place, and then the site goes down.

I should consider myself lucky. Had this happened a few years back, I probably would have been very distraught and very stressed. It's just recently, this one pep talk that my ex-colleague gave me that kinda triggered a sudden change on how I view things...

He told me: "Listen, you live in North America, not in some third world country where you work under 30 bucks a month in a coal mine, a factory or in sweat shops bleeding your hands making running shoes. I was like you, afraid of change, wanting to stay at the same place all my life. Looking only for stability. Then I discovered that there are plenty of good things out there, way greater than the things you have right now. Change is good, but even if it is bad, you live in a place where you can easily stand back up and try again."

When the site went down, sure, I was shocked, but I realized that this was my opportunity to rebuild it the way I should have done it 10 years ago.

I'm also in a country where I can share my views and opinions freely. Had I created this site in my country of my parents' origin, I probably would have been marginalized, jailed or maybe even executed. Hence, I find it important that the site lives on so I can show others who cannot express their views and opinions that they can fight for it so they can one day do the same thing as I do. If my site can bring them some ounce of hope, joy and happiness, it's absolutely worth it!

On the main page of the site, I used the analogy that the site is like a store front. Someone throws a stone and then a Molotov cocktail and then, you need to temporarily close your shop, repair your store, build something that (hopefully) repels stones and cocktails. Over the past two decades, I've seen so many sites being closed or destroyed in the IT world that I knew this was coming soon or later. As long as I'm ready for it and as long as I can still pick up the pieces and rebuild it, then I'm fine with it. The web is like a game of cat and mouse. It takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to build it and very few people actually recognize how much work it is.

But the few people that do realize this have sent me great messages of support. I even had a message from a developer who wanted to help rebuild the site. I have letters from people ready to give donations and others who are willing to provide any type of assistance to bring the site back online. All of this means a lot me. It's more than what I need to concentrate and dedicate myself this year to bring Bearhugger.net back for everyone!

By the way, while the blog may seem to be back online, keep in mind that many links to pictures and clips are broken. I'll try to restore this as soon as I can. My top priority though is still the Wrestling Personals.

Blog ID 281

Date created:2020-01-28
Date modified: 23:20:31.38406
Revision number:6