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Saturday April 6 2019 - D28383 and RasslorBearRecent matches
I got in touch with D28383 (id 8921) again and I remembered not to pass the opportunity to ask him what his pseudonym meant. He told me it was just a bunch of random letters and numbers with no real meaning. It is made as such so that nothing links back to him. His personal identity and privacy is of upmost importance, so he tries to leave the least amount of trace and visibility as possible. To be young as he is and be on constant guard about how fast information spreads does make a contrast with most people our generation who nowadays posts everything online. I guess I am to blame too since I'm typing this and making it accessible to everyone, but I'll reiterate that my site is a small hub that is not as mainstream as Facebook. Chances are that if someone outside the usual circle falls on bearhugger, he/she most likely would hit the 'Back' button if that is not in his/her list of interests.

Anyhow, despite his concern his privacy, it didn't stop us from sharing a scissor session, from the side of course. I still prefer my scissors applied from the rear or from the front, but you can't have everything. I also brought my boots and he agreed that the extra grip it gives does make the scissors stronger. He showed me a very interesting thing to measure the power of your scissors: he took a scale, wrap it in between his legs and he started squeezing. The scale would go up to 280.. maybe even 300 lbs! Yeah! 300 lbs of pressure! I tried it myself, squeezing that scale, but I couldn't go above 220 lbs. Either his body scissors are stronger than mine, or I am not wrapping the scale the correct way. Nevertheless, I thought it was a very good idea to use a household device this way.

In my objective to try to wrestle more frequently and on a regular basis, I asked D28383 if he wanted to meet more often, but he suggested that we stay on "play by ear" basis. In other words, contact each other whenever we feel and go from there.

Btw, D28383 also stands in computer jargon as a hexadecimal color in web pages. Hence, this makes this pseudonym an ideal one to hide and dissimulate your identity in search engines.

RasslorBear (id 3872) and I saw each other at Clash 20, 3 years ago. We both saw each other, but we both didn't find the courage to talk to each other. Oh the irony! I got in touch with him later through MeetFighters and we ended up having chats like these:

Nothing is lost really, because if you make new friends after the event, it is never too late to wrestle. The event still helped you make that new connection that you probably wouldn't have had otherwise. As such, RasslorBear kindly initiated the first step to make our meet happen. During spring break, he made a series of wrestling travels and his last flight stop is Montreal.

Hummm... I have to say that RasslorBear is definitely the biggest and sweetest teddy bear I've met. He has the build of a massive heel, but deep down, he has the heart of a jobber that would not even hurt a fly. His style is light pro or medium pro with moderated pressure (not too much pressure or pain). I knew our personalities would match as soon as he uttered the words: "You'll find out that I get amused by the smallest things." He giggles a lot, just like I do and he doesn't mind my... umm... animal sounds.

I'm known to wear very silly t-shirts. He stops me and tells me: "I love your t-shirt! I want one just like that!" That's a pretty good compatibility sign that shows he is young at heart and that is quite playful.

RasslorBear is doing great. He gets my seal of approval.

RasslorBear loves pro gear so he wrapped on his boots, put on his trunks and donned his red mask. Lucky me, not only is he a gear lover like I am, but he's also a pic-taking lover. We each placed our cameras and we've each let those devices do their magic. I personally like this shot when we were putting ourselves into position. The best pictures are usually those that are spontaneous and that you were not prepared for it.

When we were actually ready for our tag team flex, I realized a bit too late that I was actually hiding him. Silly me. Yes, I'm a klutz and an idiot.

No, we are not part of the same team because it was just the two of us, but I would definitely love to be in his team. Classic matches usually dictate that the big guys go with the big guys, but rules are meant to be broken in wrestling, so one day, this tag team of ours should have a big guy and a smaller guy.

We traded a few holds here and then: here's RasslorBear putting on a reverse headlock. Overall, we took it easy because I didn't want to wind him out. After all, RasslorBear spent the whole week traveling by plane from one destination to another.

He's around 350 lbs, so I didn't want to risk it with the rack. Instead, I opted for the safer alternative that you guys all know is the Fireman's carry. However, you can see down below that he wasn't so sure about it and reached for the mattress with his hand. Sensing a bit of struggle, I couldn't keep him up there for more than two or three seconds.

Bearhugs and scissors were out of the question because I couldn't wrap my arms around him, nor could I wrap my legs either. I guess those holds would just make the Great RasslorBear laugh.. or giggle.

We went to a couple of restaurants. One task on his to-do list was to try Montreal's smoke meat. We went to Dunn's for that and he soon realized it's really just brisket, which he told me has several different names depending on which state you go. We also tried Stash Café and Deville Bar. I did the silly thing of bringing him to the Montreal Science Museum, not knowing it was entirely for kids, but we hung out a bit in the old port of Montreal afterwards, watching large chunks of ice break apart from the St. Lawrence river as temperatures start rising. Ah.. spring. Finally. I apparently made him walk a lot.

Having the short term memory that I have, I asked him twice this trip why he would wrestle me considering that his type is usually also bears. RasslorBear answered that personality overrides his physical preferences. Awww...

We met and wrestled on Thursday, Friday, and did our touristy thing on Saturday. He would then have to leave on Sunday at 2 AM in the morning for his plane back to California. I gave him a nice big hug.

Considering that he traveled all the way from California to Montreal to meet and wrestle me, I should be returning the favor. A return trip to San Francisco is due.

Blog ID 240

Date created:2019-04-06
Date modified: 21:22:40.229231
Revision number:26