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Saturday April 21 2018 - Do you have more pix?Rant
I have to admit that this is something that irked me for a little while and I felt the urge of letting it out today. More than often, I talk to someone on Meetfighters who has zero or one pic (mostly, faceless) and they ask me if I have more pics of myself. So, the first thing I do is give them a link back to this blog, thinking it should satisfy their hunger. Unfortunately, the second thing they ask almost immediately afterwards is if I have more pics of myself that are not shown on the blog.

I never understood why it is so important for people to own images that are not part of an online collection. Regardless if the gallery already has ~400 images, their undying thirst demands for more. Maybe they want to feel special by owning an image that nobody else has...

Now if this wrestler I'm talking to (let's call him the requester) is already showing in his profile many pictures, including matches with other wrestlers, then I'd gladly share some more with him. It sounds fair: you're sharing to the public your own wrestling images, then I share mine, but if you're sharing none, then I don't see why I should share more than what I already posted here... which I think is already quite a handful.

Mind you, I didn't need to send to the requester a link in the first place, but most people ignore the "Website" button on a MeetFighters profile because they're too busy asking for photos rather than checking the full profile or verifying if a link is already showing additional pictures. Funny, because this would actually save them time. This is actually worse on Globalfight where links will not be displayed to non-members, but it's a moot point anyway: I think Global realizes that they are losing a lot of their market share from the wrestling community to MeetFighters, so they've decided to be a bit more lenient and go easier on their restrictions. Still, too little, too late. These days, if someone has a profile on Globalfight and you can't talk to them because of a silly quota limit, then you can just jump to MeetFighters and they will most likely have the same online pseudonym or handle. If not, you can just do a search in their area/locale to uncover their other usernames.

Anyway, it's just a small rant... I've learned in the long run that I can just walk away and not say anything to requesters, but I can still vent here just for the heck of it.

The other thing I get once in a while is a request for images that I cannot share. While many wrestlers accept to take photos, several of them wish to keep these photos just between them and me. Often, these requesters actually want to get more photos of my opponent, but they can't ask directly my opponent directly because my opponent doesn't want to share these pictures, so the requester tempts his luck by asking someone else. Yeah, the web is full of social engineering, but as you wrestle more people and get to know more wrestlers, you can easily tell when someone is just into image gathering or if someone is really into wrestling.

Blog ID 189

Date created:2018-04-21
Date modified: 10:34:17.687543
Revision number:6