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Title:Guin Saga
Category:Bearhug in TV cartoons
Date aired:2009-05-31   (May 31, 2009)
Season / Episode:Season 1 Episode 9: Prisoner of the Lagon
Rating:9.00 (1 vote)
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Episode name:
Prisoner of the Lagon

There one bearhug in this episode.

Guin almost get killed by Dodok in a bearhug.

The bearhug starts at 12:04 and ends 12:35. The whole fight starts at 11:17.

Guin is challenged to a duel by the Lagoon Champion and is eventually subjected to a brutal bear hug.

Guin screems in pain as he is slowly lifted off his feet and squeezed..

Guin is captured and put into a cavern. When he is brought before Dodok the Brave and Kah the Wise, respectively the warrior hero and the elder sage of the Lagon, he claims to be sent by their god named Akira. This angers the Lagon, and he eventually is sentenced to face Dodok in a match, which Kah approves of. If Guin manages to defeat this hero, they will recognize him as a messenger of their god. However, if he loses, his life is forfeited.

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