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[ Find more ]   Title:Double-Lion Hug
Category:Double bearhug (2 vs 2)
Sub-category:Bearhug illustration
Rating:7.22 (32 votes)
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Related Content: SamLovesBearHugs (id 589)

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An incident where these two Lion-men's worlds (and several others) join up, allowing characters to meet other characters.

If these 3 pictures so far are any indication, then YES I do plan on having SEVERAL BEAR-HUGS in my comic (but none involving females, just the muscular males).

Some day . . .

Bearhugger:4-armed Gargoyle and Bear-Muscle
Victim:A Warrior Lion-man and a Super Lion

Related Entry:SamLovesBearHugs (id 589)

Entry Description:
Sam is a big Bear-Hug fan (in comics and animation; though sometimes live-action is good too).

He likes his bearhug illustrations to show characters and moments that he wishes had, or believes should have, been included in their animated series (or comics). Other times the pictures are also ideas from his own concept idea for a comic book hero.

Like most things, the art - in quality and such - improves over time.

Although most of the pages are done on tracing paper with reused/altered material and some others are hand-drawn, in the end they are all worthwhile and seeing!

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Uploader:SamLovesBearHugs (1238)

Dimensions (width x height):1181 x 1374     (Shrunken size: 756 x 879)
File size:741 KB (0.72 MB)
Creation date:2008-12-09
Modification date:2011-01-17
MD5sum signature:4a1f1bf0959c44862dd91efbbb0f05f7

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