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Height:5'10" (178 cm)
Weight:165 lbs (74.8 kg)
Location:Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Favorite holds:Bearhugs and most leg and arm holds and some creative choke holds.
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A reasonable, intelligent, and quiet man who is an avid reader and amateur photographer who jogs five miles a day five days a week to keep my weight under control and build physical and mental stamina and nude yoga in the morning six days a week to keep myself flexible and nimble. An unapologetic and aggressive free-style wrestler who wants to hear from and meet 35 to 80 year old wrestlers in good fighting condition. Height and weight are not as important to me as a willingness to go at it man2man with each other in a friendly long, hot and sweaty submissive and free style wrestling matches, tag teams, oil wrestling using Wesson Oil or melted butter and wrestling in jell-o, chocolate and vanilla pudding, peas and mashed potatoes or French fries and turning a wrestling match into an erotic fight that safely tests and challenge each others physical, psychological, mental and sexual strength and stamina. Into most leg and arm locks, flipping, pushing, shoving and some moderate body punching of the upper chest, forehead, side of the head above the ears and slapping of the back of the head while we knock some of the furniture around in our briefs, Speedos, jockstraps or my preference nude.

Created on:2007-06-08 (Joined the site 16 years ago)
Last modified:2007-07-17 (16 years ago)

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