Pictionary of Wrestling Holds
Hanging Backbreaker

Personal definition:

The wrestler lifts up his opponent over his shoulder and lets his hang over one shoulder. Also known as the Canadian Backbreaker or the Single (One-Hand or One-Arm) Shoulder Backbreaker.
Big Book of Wrestling Moves definition: Back Breaker Rack, Inverted Shoulder (Canadian Back Breaker)
Used by : Jesse Ventura, Brian Lee, Rick Rude
AKA : The Body Breaker (Ventura), The Cancellation (Lee)
Description : The victim is lifted up over the attacker's shoulder so the victim is facing upwards and their back is held over the shoulder of the attacker. The attacker locks their arms around the victim's torso and applies pressure.
Wiki definition:
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An attacking wrestler first lifts an opponent up so the opponent's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder, with the opponent's head pointing in the direction that the wrestler is facing. While being held face up across the wrestler's shoulder, the wrestler then links his/her arms around the opponent's torso and presses down, squeezing the opponent's spine against the wrestler's shoulder.

The Canadian backbreaker drop variation of this move sees the attacking wrestler, who is applying the hold, drop down to a kneeling position while maintaining the hold, thus jarring the back of the opponent by driving the opponent's spine into the attacking wrestler's shoulder

Related galleries:

Hanging Backbreaker Gallery

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Personal rating:

Ease of execution: 4.29
Required strength: 9.54
Required resistance: 7.87
Effectiveness: 7.55
Autonomy: 2.20

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