Matches with Brown Bomber

Matches with Wrestlerrm

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When in Rome..
September 2013

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<Uncategorized #1><Untitled> happiness and big proud hugs all around and Wrestlerrm arm was more than ready to wrestle.....

”Like you I jobber” he said.. ”So you beat me I be happy”
hmmm the Brown Bomber thought to himself that’s a switch so why not. LoserBoy and GreekJobber were both jobbers and BOTH took him down so the Brown Bomber felt taking this big jobber down will make things all equal!
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<Uncategorized #3><Untitled> Wrestlerrm kept talking in Italian and English but as far has action he knew what to do
”BEARHUG” he said...”BIG BEARHUG for Brown Bomber”!!!!

”WTF”?? the Brown Bomber said this guy is as strong as an ox and the Brown Bomber could NOT break his bearhug.
<Uncategorized #4><Untitled> the bearhug released..the Brown Bomber dropped and the Roman ”jobber” was quick on top of him

”You like this move, Bomber? This my leg wrap hold”
YES the Bomber the Roman’s thick thighs began to tighten.....this guy was VERY strong the Brown Bomber could not break his grip. Not LEGALLY anyway.
<Uncategorized #5><Untitled> Wrestlerrm was saying something in Italian the Brown Bomber had NO idea what he was saying, but he sounded happy saying and he shook the Brown Bomber back and forth......”You Like?” ”You GIVE”?? He did say in English.

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<Uncategorized #6><Untitled> just wanting him to break this hold the Brown Bomber wailed ”OK I GIVE” ”I GIVE”
Wrestlerrm tighten the grip and said...”You give to me You do what I say!”” Not thinking the Brown Bomber said ”OK OK whatever you say”!!
<Uncategorized #7><Untitled> then Wrestlerrm got up and proceeded to give the Brown Bomber who had rolled over on his belly to catch his breath a wedgie. ”I pull you Brown Bomber..You are mine NOW” He pulled the Brown Bomber’s speedo right into the crack of his...well you know where. ”OK got me.....nice win” the Brown Bomber submitted.
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<Uncategorized #9><Untitled> ”I BEAT Brown Bomber” the proud Roman says....”I POSE and FLEX ” he said and you lost so you do what I say!!
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<Uncategorized #11><Untitled> the Brown Bomber was ok with all this showboating UNTIL....he happened to glance up and saw Wrestlerrm grabbing his massive bulge in his speedo and said ”I win now YOU take care of this for me!!”” He was almost panting..breathless as he was saying this.
<Uncategorized #12><Untitled> the Brown Bomber just could not get that image out of his mind. ”If you want what we call a stakes match you have to agree on it first and we did not agree to that.” It finally seemed to register with Wrestlerrm

”Sorry I mean no harm so sorry” he said

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<Uncategorized #13><Untitled> Still Buddies no harm done just a bit of a miscommunication. But as you can tell in the photos Wrestlermm DID have quite a package on him so is there any the chance the Brown Bomber might consider...............???

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