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Tuesday January 16 2018 - No fest for me this year...Blog entry
I won't be attending the Wrestlefest of NYC this year. This is a decision I might regret because I've been contacted by quite a few wrestlers that I would like to tumble with again. I also received messages from new wrestlers that I would have wanted to wrestle.

A combination of work and family commitments are telling me that it would be a wiser decision to stay in Montreal for the month of February. However, things are looking very good for a possible travel in Atlanta for the 22nd Clash of the Titans in end of May/beginning of June 2018. I'll try to post more about this soon.

Meanwhile, for all attendees to the fest, I'll be missing you guys and I hope you guys will have lots of fun. Think of me by putting on those bearhugs, scissors and don't forget about those racks too!

Blog ID 179

Date created:2018-01-16
Date modified: 20:38:08.603998
Revision number:6