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Monday April 24 2017 - Home setupBlog entry
This is my home setup (or workstation). It consists of one desktop connected to two screens in extended mode and one laptop that I always take with me during my wrestling travels. When I come back from a trip, it goes back here and I re-sync up everything.

On the back, you'll see a couple of my trophies from the Clash. The mostly hidden Stormtrooper unit near my head is actually holding my Monica Lewinsky medal, which I am not ashamed at all to have or to show off (even though my shoulder is hiding it partially, not on purpose, I swear! You can still see the white, red and blue ribbon though). You can then spot the toys that uncovers my geeky video game side: there's Pikachu on the left, a fake Mario mushroom near the top and the T-shirt I am currently wearing is Ryu Hayabusa's eyes from the first Ninja Gaiden on the NES.

The pile of DVD spindles, covers and envelopes you see is very old school, I know. The binders actually contain a lot more DVDs. I need to convert all this crap into content I can access from external hard drives. Most of these DVDs contains data I almost no longer use. This was at the time where I ordered entire WCW/WWF seasons just to access two or three shows that actually have bearhugs in it. There's also near the mushroom one of my few remaining VHS tape. I just looked into it and it's JPWA's February Fallout. It's worth nothing now, not to mention that my last videotape player is now broken so I can no longer read what's on that tape anymore. If you see the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary book on the right hand side, underneath it is that broken videotape player (it's actually a VHS tape to DVD converter), plus two DVD players (who uses those anymore?). Yes, I guess I'm due for a cleanup, but these old clunky devices are great to hold my monitors in place.

In case you're wondering, the red thing on the left is a safe that contains... Mars mini-chocolate bars. To make a long story short, I hide these chocolate because my roommate Be-Bear (id 2910) is diabetic and he'd often go in my room to steal chocolates.... Sounds like a lame excuse, I know.

On the middle screen that has characters that look like it came from a Matrix movie, it is simply running Bash on Ubuntu on Windows 10. The right screen is currently on my blog and the left screen is on the main page of bearhugger.net - it is currently showing the Top 30 vote ranking contender stats... nothing important, really. Near my elbow, you'll see another DVD spindle, but under it is three external hard drives of 4 TB (Terabyte) each. They contain both personal and site backups, backups of backups, software, shitty games, multimedia content (video, music, photos) and a lot more junk. Not shown in this photo under the desk is two more external hard drives of 4 TB. You can never have too many of those... Plus, memory is so cheap nowadays that I got one for free when I opened a box of Frosted Flakes cereal ... Just kidding.

The books holding the screens make my setup very ghetto and unstable. A friend asked me if I would be afraid of earthquakes making my screens fall... I actually never been through one yet with this current setup, so I can't tell. Beneath the screens, keyboard and mouse is more books and plastic containers that elevate my setup. Yes, this is a standing setup. I already sit about 40 hours a week, so I prefer to stand up when I use a computer at home. I also like to think that standing makes my body scissors (and consequently, my head and leg scissors) stronger.

When I actually do work on the site, I would usually only do it with my desktop and invest about 30 minutes a day, mostly on the main sections of the site which consists of approving profiles, entries and images, replying to mail and occasionally adding new content. On week-ends, I could spend anywhere between two to six hours depending on what I do, but it is not uncommon that I would take a break and not touch the site for a couple of days, or a whole week-end.

On my blog, for example, I spent a hour today updating the title animations you currently see at the top of this page and on the other ones (pics, clips, matches, bearhugs, etc.). It seems like a lot of time for something minor, but for me, every detail counts. It's what makes the site different and not taken from a template like every Facebook, Tumblr or Instagram account.

You'd think after 18 years, I'd put this away, but no, I've already put so much into it and it represents a lot of my time and sweat, my life and my passion so I'm not ready to let it go. I'll stick to it for quite a long while and I know I still have a long road ahead.

Blog ID 127