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Title:Davey Boy vs Hercules
Category:YouTube link (bearhug video)
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Hercules Hernandez bearhugs Davey Boy Smith at 61:17

WWF Boston Garden House Show 9/12/87

Gotta love the commentators on this! :`)
Commentator # 1: Oh! Big bearhug! Slapped it on!
Commentator # 2: Gonna squeeze the life of him! This is the end of the Bulldog!
Commentator # 1: Davey Boy fighting this!
Commentator # 2: He can't beat the Herc! The Herc got him! He's putting pain on the ribs!
Commentator # 1: You can see the excruciating pain on the face of Davey Boy Smith! As he is fighting this bearhug, he's dropping to his knees now...

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Date created:2016-07-21
Date modified:2018-05-28

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