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Title:Prototype X29A
Category:Bearhug in movies
Date published: 1992
Rating:7.40 (5 votes)
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This is from futuristic sci-fi movie that was titled "Prototype X29A" in the US, but listed as "Prototype" at IMDb.

I remember almost nothing about it except the bearhug, where the robot actually does crush the soldier to death, but it was very brief. Occurs shortly after 2:00 in YouTube link.

In war-torn 2057, rebels led by Omegas, cybernetically altered humans, battled government forces in the crime-ridden streets. In time, the Omegas reprogrammed themselves and carried out their own deadly agenda. In the end, the Omegas were destroyed. Except one - implanted in a child. Now grown, she is ready to lead the rebellion again. (Courtesy

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