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Victim:a tree
Category:Bearhug in TV cartoons
Date aired:1949-09-09   (September 9, 1949)
Season / Episode:Season 1 Episode 166: Hillbilly Dilly (aka Silly Hillbilly)
Rating:7.00 (1 vote)
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Episode name:
Hillbilly Dilly (aka Silly Hillbilly)

Bluto shows Olive Oyl why she should pick him as her mate and not Popeye by showing her how strong he is.

One of his feats of strength is uprooting a tree by bearhugging it and powerlifting it out of the ground!

Begin watching at 4:12 on YouTube link.

Popeye’s traveling department store comes to hillbilly country. He gets upset as Bluto, mistaking a radiator for an accordion, cuckoo clocks for a shooting gallery, and a girdle for a hammock, does violence to his store. But Olive arrives, looking for a makeover, and that distracts Popeye a while. Bluto sees the ”new” Olive and gets jealous, and the feud is on. (Courtesy IMDb)

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