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Title:Ben 10: Alien Force
Victim:Ben ”Humungousaur” Tennyson
Category:Bearhug in TV cartoons
Date aired:2009-03-25   (March 25, 2009)
Season / Episode:Season 2 Episode 2: Unearthed
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In the full episode, comes after 5 minutes - or closer to 6 minutes.

A DNAlien mining operation under Los Soledad uncovers an alien spacecraft, from which a large alien creature is released. It wanders around the nearby town collecting random items, eventually attracting the attention of Ben, Gwen and Kevin. After a short battle, they realize that the alien is in fact a baby girl. The Alien perceives Gwen as an Anodite and hangs on her every word. Needing to return the baby to her parents, the team follows her back to her ship. After defeating the DNAliens who were mining the quartz rock to finish the jump gate, the team wakes the baby’s parents, who depart the planet after Ben explains that they’ve been in suspended animation for fifty years as a result of Paradox’s time experiment in 1952.

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