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Title:Fury of Hercules, The
Category:Bearhug in movies
Sub-Category:Ancient Times
Date published: 1962
Rating:8.17 (6 votes)
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Hercules bearhugs a gorilla (a man in gorilla costume) to death. Hercules has to do three trials. The fight with the gorilla is the second trial.

The bearhug starts at 37:44 (see YouTube link)

Hercules is reached by the slave Daria, who informes him that his country has fallen into the hands of the tyrant Meniste. Hercules follows Daria in his homeland, where he discovers that Meniste enslaves the citizens of the city, and that a group of rebels are trying an insurrection. Meniste fears the power of Hercules, however he kills Daria. So Hercules puts himself in charge of the band of rebels, and destroys the power of Meniste.

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