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Title:Phantom, The
Victim:The Phantom
Category:Bearhug in comic books
Year of the series:1948
Date published:June 2013
Volume / Issue: Issue 1667: The Basilisk
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Episode name:
The Basilisk

Phantom gets caught by surprise when the Basilisk attacks him from behind! As if the gaze of a Basilisk wasn’t deadly enough, it’s ”vice” is just as dangerous and tight, too!

(Drawing could have been better, in my opinion . . . )

Tribes are being attacked by a Basilisk, who demands the beautiful women of the Villages - and kills the men who refuse to obey! The Phantom investigates and gets more involved when his wife, Diana, is kidnapped and finds out that the Basilisk is really a trick played by one of the men involved with slave traders.

But something lurks in the jungle that takes down the men one by one . . .

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