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Title:Arcade: Violent Storm
Category:Bearhug in video games
Rating:9.00 (2 votes)
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3 characters can apply this hold: 1 controllable character and 2 enemy uncontrollable characters.

The playable character is Boris. He has orange hair, wears orange short, a black shirt and is the only one who wears shades.

What's great with this guy is that you can come close to any opponent/boss in the game and apply this hold. You can even apply it on guys that are much larger than you and cause some damage.

The enemy opponents that can apply this move are the biker guys that are wearing armor with spikes (just like the Road Warriors in WCW/WWF).

Also, the boss at the end of stage 5, called Mr. Julius, occasionally applies this move. You can recognize him easily because he constantly flexes his muscles and wears a blue speedo... see one of the animated GIF below for... visual details.

Although a clone of the Final Fight franchise, this game is a very good beat-em 'up and has great cooperative value if you play this with your friends. However, this arcade machine is very rare.

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