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Title:Avengers, The: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes
Category:Bearhug in TV cartoons
Date aired:2010-10-20   (October 20, 2010)
Season / Episode:Season 1 Episode 7: Breakout, Part 2
Rating:10.00 (1 vote)
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Episode name:
Breakout, Part 2

Hulk attacks Graviton with a bearhug (of sorts) in mid-air - Twice.
Then when the Heroes are victorious and have defeated Graviton, Thor group-hugs the others (except for Wasp) calling for a celebration!

Link 1 - at 3:25, 6:30 and 8:56
Link 2 - at 14:55, 18:00 and 20:27
Link 3 - review of the two ”Breakout” episodes, including screenshot of the Group-hug!

Separately in the past, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man and Wasp have fought against supervillains and won. But now, when all four prisons - the Cube, the Big House, the Vault and the Raft - have been disrupted with and all 74 supervillains have busted out, they all need to join forces to stop the power of Graviton . . . and become the Avengers!

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Link 3:

Info submitted by:SamLovesBearHugs (id 1238)

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