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Title:Outlaw Star
Category:Bearhug in TV cartoons
Date aired:1998-04-30   (April 30, 1998)
Season / Episode:Season 1 Episode 18: The Strongest Woman in the Universe
Rating:4.00 (2 votes)
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Episode name:
The Strongest Woman in the Universe

It’s a woman-on-man bearhug.

Bearhug is @ 13:16 in YouTube link.

Gene and crew are called back to Heiphong where Fred Lou enlists Gene’s help to prevent Fred’s marriage to ”the strongest woman in the universe.” (Courtesy

In exchange for a substantial loan of money from Fred, the Outlaw Star crew enters the Universal Strongman Tournament to stop Fred’s fiancee, Reiko Ando, from winning as the strongest woman in the universe, and thus prevent a marriage between the two. Gene, forced to dress up as a woman, enters in the tournament under the name ”Jenny”, soon winning the match despite his injuries. Aisha, forbidden from competing on the basis of her origin, also enters the tournament under the guise of a masked wrestler named ”Firecat”. She later fights against and triumphs over a Kei Pirate named Lady Iraga, revealed to be from the same tribe as her. (Courtesy Wikipedia)

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