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Title:Playstation 2: Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Victim:Spider-man and Mr Fantastic
Category:Bearhug in video games
Sub-Category:Playstation 2
Rating:6.50 (2 votes)
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For a good bearhug, there�s one in Marvel Alliances where you play as heroes. It is at the part where you enter a world of gods or something you have to battle 4 muscular villains but to turn me on I use one little guy to beat them instead of using 4 to battle so it�s you against 4 studs and the biggest one - Bulldozer - gives bearhugs (BIG BEARHUGS) and rams you over and the others do other stuff but to stay w/ full health to watch endless bearhugs put in an invulnerable cheat on your hero.

TIME: FOREVER (using cheats)
Personal rating: 10

Bearhug at 1:26 on Link #1 and Bulldozer bearhugs Mr Fantastic again and again, each time for 3 seconds - Snapping his back - at 1:49, 2:04, 2:19, 2:35, 2:58 (partially blocked view) 3:17-20 (grab in slow-motion), 3:53, 4:09, 4:33, 4:49, 5:04, 5:44, 6:05, 6:22, 6:38 and 6:53.

So that�s 17x 3-second, back-snapping bearhugs, from Bulldozer to Reed �Mr Fantastic� Richards.

The title is also available on the X-Box 360, the Nintendo Wii and for regular PCs.

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