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Title:Adventures of Spider-Man, The
Category:Bearhug in comic books
Year of the series:1996
Date published:October 1996
Volume / Issue:Volume 2 Issue 7: Crimetown, USA
Rating:8.50 (2 votes)
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Episode name:
Crimetown, USA

Ox bearhugs Spider-Man on the cover of this comic.

Unfortunately, Ox doesn’t bearhug Spidey Inside the actual comic . . . the closest thing to a bearhug in the comic is when one of the Enforcers, Snake, grasps himself onto a helpless victim.

Fox’s ”Spider-Man: Animated Series” had a tie-in comic series that followed the adventures of the web-slinger, adapting the episodes into paper form rather faithfully (except for the lack of bearhugs, unfortunately).

The first 13 issues entitled ”Spider-Man Adventures” naturally followed Season 1, before making new stories from issue #14. From Issue #16 it was renamed ”the Adventures of Spider-Man” for another 12 issues.

In this issue the Kingpin’s Enforcers are brought to the page in part 1 of this 2-Part adventure.

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Info submitted by:SamLovesBearHugs (id 1238)

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