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Title:Masters of the Universe
Category:Bearhug in comic books
Date published: 1983
Volume / Issue:The Trap
Rating:4.25 (4 votes)
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Episode name:
The Trap

Sensing a trap, He-Man grabs on to Stratos to keep him from lunging himself at what seems to be Skeletor, only to find it to be an illusion, hiding a deadly vortex that would've sucked Stratos down if he had done what he wanted to do in the first place.

This was a Golden Book adventure.

Stratos finds He-Man unconscious underneath an overturned Wind Raider, as if ambushed. It turns out that beside him, there is Skeletor's half of the Power Sword. He-Man combines them, then heads to Grayskull, where he uses the sword to enter. What they discover is a castle full of traps, eventually coming to a room with Skeletor within. Stratos almost jumps at him, but He-Man holds him back. It turns out that Stratos was lucky, because, like everything else Skeletor had whipped up for them, this was also an illusion. If Stratos would have leapt towards him he would've been sucked into a bottomless hole. The true Skeletor arrives, accompanied by Beast Man, and explains that he had switched He-Man's half of the Power Sword with a fake, meaning Skeletor has the complete sword. He-Man fights him, and eventually the Power Sword splits in two once again. During the fight, Skeletor is knocked into the bottomless pit, while Beast Man retreats.

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