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Category:Bearhug in TV cartoons
Date aired:1996-02-10   (February 10, 1996)
Season / Episode:Season 2 Episode 12: Neogenic Nightmare, chapter 10: The Immortal Vampire
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Episode name:
Neogenic Nightmare, chapter 10: The Immortal Vampire

There are two bearhugs in this episode, both involving Spider-Man.

First, Spider-Man mistakens that Blade is about to hurt Morbius and attacks him, holding the Vampire Hunter in a reverse bearhug-like hold for a few seconds (Link #1 just before 6 minutes and 10 seconds, Link #2 at 5:50 and Link #3 just before 5:14).

The next bearhug is a little better. Morbius has been transformed into the ManBat-like creature and attacks Spider-Man, holding him in his winged bearhug (Link #1 at 7 & a half minutes, Link #2 just before 7:15, Link #3 after 6 & a half minutes and Link #4 just after 1 minute & 10 seconds), then he flies away with Spidey held tightly in his legs for a while (see

Link 1 (SuperSlim716) has the video in DVD-like quality, but is stretched to widescreen,
Link 2 (megakisstallica12) also has almost DVD-like quality in Full-Frame but has less colour and less sharpness,
Link 3 (TheMarvelMadness) is also in Full-Frame, but has softer lines.

And there are a few more videos on Youtube than I can link to here.

Available on UK DVD.

1) Spider-Man and Blade team up to stop Morbius from turning Felicia and the rest of the city into vampires. (courtesy

2) Spider-Man and Blade put aside their differences in an attempt to prevent Morbius from using the Neogenic Recombinator to transform everyone into vampires. They team with Lt. Terri Lee, whom falls for Blade. Morbius kidnaps Aunt May, followed by Felicia Hardy, planning her to be the first whom he transforms using the Recombinator. When Spider-Man and Blade break in to rescue Felicia, Morbius is transformed into a bat-like creature as cause of his mutation.

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Info submitted by:SamLovesBearHugs (id 1238)

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