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Category:Bearhug in TV cartoons
Date aired:2009-09-08   (September 8, 2009)
Season / Episode:Season 1 Episode 15: Shifting Sands (Books and Their Covers)
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Episode name:
Shifting Sands (Books and Their Covers)

Tianne (Tom "MajorTom" Majors) bearhugs Ulfhedinn (another Chaotic player).

Peyton wants to trade three Mipedian creatures for Tom's scan of Ravanough Ridge. Tom declined the trade because he distrusts the lizard-like warriors after what had happened with Reggie and Mudeenu. He goes on to say how his Overworlders are better, so Peyton takes him to the Mipedian desert. His opinion changes, however, when he and Peyton are drinking water at a Mipedian watering stone, while Peyton is guzzling down water an Overworlder named Slruk attacks Tom and Payton. Slurk then traps them in a crack in the desert floor where a noble Midpedian named Tianne saves Tom and Peyton. Hearing what Tom says about the Mipedians, Tianne tells Tom to scan him and use him in his next Chaotic match. After he does that they are attacked again by Slurk, and Tianne saves them again by sacrificing himself. Tom's newfound respect is put to the test when he confronts a fierce opponent in the BattleDrome. Can Tom tap into his reptilian side to pull out a win?

Using a lesson Tianne taught him, Tom wins his match with a bearhug.

The episode's bearhug is at 3:39, while the music video on Link 2 has the bearhug at 1:42. * Date aired: 2007-09-08, US (2007-06-24, Canada)

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Info submitted by:SamLovesBearHugs (id 1238)

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