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Title:Titans, The (aka ”My Son, The Hero”)
Category:Bearhug in movies
Date published: 1962
Rating:5.60 (5 votes)
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The Italian title is, ”Arrivano i Titani”. Loosely translated, it means, ”Here Come the Titans”.

Plot outline: An evil king makes a bargain with the Devil in order to get away with murdering his wife.

Plot: Krios (Giuliano Gemma), the youngest of the Titans, may be the least strong of the seven brothers whose strength comes from their mother, earth-goddess Gaia, but is by far the smartest, and thus their natural leader. He arrives on Crete, the kingdom of the mighty king Minos, impresses him as gladiator, gains his trust, falls in love with a mortal girl, and discovers both Minos’s human sacrifice-cult and a foreign conspiracy to seize power with a hidden army. (Courtesy IMDb)

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