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Title:Canadian Tire
Category:Bearhug in TV commercials
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A guy asks his expert in mechanic friend the difference between cars with regular brakes and those with ABS (Anti-Lock Brakes System) brakes.

In response, the mechanic, who is slightly bigger and taller, simply holds the guy by his arms to show that regular brakes offers only a basic stop. To demonstrate ABS brakes, he picks the guy in a bearhug to show that they are much more efficient and stops a car firmly.

The ad ends with the mechanic's wife opening the door to the garage and seeing both men in an awkward tight embrace.

The ad was featured in both english and french on different canadian channels and each had a different set of actors.

Unfortunately, this ad will probably be impossible to find as it was aired about more than a year ago. Even Youtube archives does not seem to contain this ad.

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