Some grown-up teenagers, young adults, were looking around in a mall, looking for DVDs that had something they would like to watch.  They went up a flight of escalators and through a pair of sliding doors.  There stood two men, both were big; size and height; and both wore shirts that showed their strong arms.  Their shirts included a badge or sticker that included the image of a bear and its man in a hugging position.


The first man was the tallest, having a masculine body with broad shoulders, a buzz-hair cut with beard and a square jaw.

The other man was rounder in the stomach (but not so much), bald and bearded, and a round jaw.

Both of them, setting a pen to each of their clipboards asked,

Would you like to take a bearhug survey?


With plenty of time  hoping it would take too long  the group decided Okay.


So taking turns, the big men asked the following bearhug questions:


Do you like bearhugs?

Would you like to see a new movie featuring bearhugs?

Do you like bearhugs in movies?

Would you like to see celebrities giving bearhugs in a movie or TV?

Do you like bearhugs in TV series or movies?

Would you like to see celebrities in a bearhugging series or movies?

How many bearhugs do you see in celebrity bearhugging movies?

How many bearhugging films have you seen with celebrities?

If you were in a bearhug, what kind of bearhug would you like to be in?

Would you like to give celebrities a bearhug?

Would you like to see celebrities giving bearhugs?

What celebrities would you like to see giving bearhugs?

What celebrities would you like to see in a bearhug?

Would you like to be bearhugged by certain celebrities?


They answered the questions, the bearmen taking notes of their expressions.  Once the surveys were done, thanks were exchanged, hands were shaken . . . yes even a few little hugs . . . and they went their separate ways.


Now, these were not ordinary men doing surveys just for the fun of it . . . they were representatives for the studios of movies and TV, which was a connection they had to the fans who had these favourites.


Si it came to pass, and the responses from them and others were heard, and carried out . . .


* Christopher Nolan did make more of his Batman movies (not just because of the demands, but he had thought out the stories), and one of them included a scene or two where Christian Bale, in Batman costume and gears, was bearhugged by Bane, played by someone Far SUPERIOR to that of the Batman & Robin version.


* Season 2 of Marvels Wolverine and the X-Men series had Blob bearhug Wolverine, Beast bearhugged by Blob and Juggernaut, Wolverine by Sabertooth and again by Omega Red.


* A movie starring Hugh Jackman (with beard) and Dwayne the Rock Johnson featured them in a brawl where the Rock squeezed the Wolfman.


* For one time, in a Gladiators VS Gladiators tournament, Thunder electrified the audience by giving Outlaw a big bearhug.


* The new 300-type He-man and the Masters of the Universe movie (which was a wonderful success) finally included the Defender of Eternia (He-man himself, of course) in the grasp of a big hairy (and not so dumb/mute) Beastman.

     They were even able to make a sequel, this time with Hordak and the Horde taking over from Skeletor and his Evil warriors (for this time), and that allowed Grizzlor to bearhug He-man and Sea-Hawk (the latter played superbly by Hugh Jackman).


* Batman and Aquaman in the Brave and Bold series were bear-hugged by Bane, Grodd, Shark, the Shaggyman and other monsters.


* Captain Planet and the Planeteers even got a good animated film where Duke Nukem and Captain Pollution gave the eco hero and deadly hug each.


* And Marvels Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-man certainly got his share of bearhugs:

          -  in Sam Raimis sequels which featured Kraven the Hunter, the Kingpin and Scorpion

          -  in the long-awaited season 3 and 4 of Spectacular Spider-man:  with Rhino, the returned Venom, Kraven (mutated and then returned to human), Sandman (briefly), Ox again . . . and even Doc Ock gave Spider-man a squeeze with his tentacles.    Best of them all, was the introduction of . . . The KINGPIN!